清晨微风从窗户悄悄溜入,优雅的白色窗纱因而掀起一角,轻轻翻飞。香气轻盈地穿梭于经纬之间,家中亦随之散发清新明亮。延续丝绒暖香的绵软包覆,CULTI MILANO 延展探索所推出的暖絮棉涟 ONDE DI TESSUTO,描绘薄如蝉翼的轻纱随风翩翩,不著痕迹地恣意沾染香气,让居所行云流水般地自在写意。 弥漫的香气是由佛手柑、黑醋栗花和棉叶混合而成的,茉莉花的中调,并以干净的白麝香尾调结束。
- Onde Di Tessuto 设计系列
- 前调:佛手柑、黑醋栗叶
- 中调:梨子、茉莉花、棉花
- 尾调:白麝香、喀什米尔木
- 容量:550ml
- At first use, it is necessary to soak the reeds for twenty-four hours before turning them over
- The frequency of which some or all of the reeds are flipped over determines the intensity of the fragrance: the more often they are turned around, the greater the intensity
- In order to prolong the duration of the fragrance, it is advisable to avoid high temperatures, direct sunlight and rigorous air circulation that can speed up evaporation
- Place the home fragrance diffuser on a flat surface where it will not be exposed to humidity
- Keep out of reach of children and pets
- Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources
- The fragrance concentrate contains natural raw materials, therefore its colour may slightly change over time without compromising its olfactory performance
- After handling the rattan reeds, it is advisable to rinse your hands with clean water and soap